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Any donations are hugely appreciated.

Mpesa, Buy Goods, Till Number 9529173 

Crescent Island is one of the few places in Naivasha where the fauna and flora has been protected for over 40 years. This has been achieved by anti-poaching patrols, de-snaring, tree planting, animal feeding and monitoring, education, grass seeding, and weekly rubbish collections. All of which costs time and money. With thanks to donations from people we will continue to protect the Island for future generations.


Lake Naivasha rose by over 3 meters in 2020 cutting the Island off from the main land. As the animals could no longer wander on and off in search of food, we have had to supplement their diets by feeding them. With the ensuing drought we are now feeding three times a week with vegetable waste kindly donated by Vegpro and flower waste, kindly donated by Savanna Flowers as well as hay, lucerne and pellets, all of which are bought thanks to donations.



When the lake flooded many of the trees died. Crescent Island has vowed to plant over 5000 trees in the next 5 years. So far we have planted over 1000. We have also scattered kilos of grass seed, and thousands of seed balls.



Rubbish is a world wide problem and being an Island we get more than our fair share being washed up on our shores, not to mention in the lake itself. It is a huge on going project that will keep us busy for years to come. Currently we are collecting hundreds of kilos a week of ghost nets, plastic, polystyrene, bottles etc etc


With thanks to everyone who has donated not just money but also their valuable time, we can hopefully clean up Naivasha and ensure that the animals, birds, trees and plants are protected. You can also help by cleaning your beach fronts, planting trees and collecting rubbish. Let's make Naivasha beautiful once again.

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